Pages of Inclusion Webinar 4: Advancing Early STEM Education with Diverse Books

Advancing Early STEM Learning with Diverse Books:

Receive insights on using diverse books to promote STEMconcepts in early learning Explore the current landscape and research on theuse of diverse books, fiction and non-fiction, to support STEM learning


Webinar Highlights:

Review the Current Landscape and Explore  Practical Applications with Jessica MercerYoung, Principal Research Scientist, and Kristen Reed, Managing ProjectDirector at the Education Development Center and Melissa Stewart, Children’sbook author and researcher


Publisher, Author and Educator Voice

Hear from Alyssa Mito Pusey, Executive Editor,Charlesbridge, Author, Teresa Robeson and Educator, Sabrina Burroughs, M.Ed fora panel discussion on how their roles value diverse books in promoting earlySTEM learning

Watch the Full Webinar Here