Access & Action: Why Diverse Books Matter

The Diverse Books for All Coalition is an unprecedented collaboration of 30 nonprofits and member organizations working together to dramatically increase access to and use of affordable, quality children's books by and about diverse races and cultures. Children begin to form their perceptions of race and culture in their earliest years, making it important that ALL children have access to diverse books that enable them to see themselves and others. This helps nurture children’s positive self-worth, promote equity, and foster a love of books and reading. Supported through initial funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Coalition has a five-year goal of leveraging our collective market strength to double the number of quality affordable diverse children's books; developing a unified, clear narrative about the value and benefits of diverse books; and providing parents, caregivers and educators with resources to define and advocate for diverse books in their classrooms and communities.

Watch the Webinar Here